Corbett Pest Identification
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Flies | Cockroaches | Lice | Rats & Mice | Stink Bugs
- Secrete an oily liquid that has an offensive odor.
- Cockroach has three life cycles
– Egg, Nymph and Adult
– Eggs are deposited in groups in a capsule called ootheca, it is usually dropped or glued on a surface by the female.
- The German cockroach carries the capsule until the eggs are ready to hatch.
– The newly hatched nymphs have no wings and molt several times before becoming winged adults.
- American
- Oriental
- German
- Brown Banded
- Prevention and Sanitation
– Exclusion
• Keep screens in good repair
• Weather stripping or Caulk cracks and gaps around doors and windows, attic vents, and plumbing encased in common walls
• Screen floor drains
• Screen exhaust vents to your dryers • Seal all cracks and crevices
– Elimination of Food, Water and Harborage
• Cockroaches can survive only 12 days with food but no water. 42 days if only water is present and no food.
• Regularly vacuum and sweep. This will not only eliminate skins and feces that attract other roaches, but will decrease food sources.
• Keep clutter from accumulating.
• Discard Cardboard boxes, cockroaches breed prolifically in corrugated cardboard boxes