Corbett Pest Identification
FAQ's | Quality Control | Licenses & Certifications | Pesticide Information | Pest Identification
Bedbugs | Carpet Beetles | Pantry & Stored Food Pests | Fleas | Ants & Termites
Flies | Cockroaches | Lice | Rats & Mice | Stink Bugs
- All food items are susceptible including spices, hot pepper, ice cream cones, cereals, grits and cake mixes.
- Dried flower arrangements, stuffed animals, furniture and toys can harbor infestations.
- Presence is NOT an indication of un-cleanliness since infestation can be brought home in purchased food.
- Common Pantry Pests are
• Flour Beetles
• Saw-Toothed Grain Beetle
• Cigarette Beetles
• Drugstore Beetles
• Larder Beetles
• Granary Weevils
• Rice Weevils
• Spider Beetles
• Grain Moths
• Flour Moths
• Psocids
• Grain Mites
- Locate source of infestation by inspecting susceptible foods, discard badly infected items.
- Vacuum storage area, cabinets and shelves and wash with water and soap.
- Caulk cracks; apply residual spray to cracks, corners and surfaces of shelves after removing foods that could become contaminated.
- Keep all containers of food tightly closed.
- Put susceptible items in sealable containers or screw top jars.
- Do not overstock shelves with infrequently used products.
- Rotate use of stored items frequently.