Corbett Pest Identification
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Bedbugs | Carpet Beetles | Pantry & Stored Food Pests | Fleas | Ants & Termites
Flies | Cockroaches | Lice | Rats & Mice | Stink Bugs
- Fleas may attack a variety of warm-blooded animals including dogs, humans, chickens, rabbits, squirrels, rats and mice.
- Female can lay 500 eggs over a period of several months by laying batches of 3-18 eggs at a time.
- Tiny white eggs hatch in 1-12 days.
- White larva avoids light and feed on particles of dead animal or vegetable matter in cracks and crevices.
- Within 7-14 days 3rd stage is completed and larva spins a tiny cocoon and pupates.
- After 1 week adult flea emerges and begins search for blood.
- Fleas can remain in pupal stage from 5 Days to 5 Weeks
• Adults emerge from pupal case when vibrations from pets or humans let them know a host is near.
• People returning to an unoccupied home may suddenly be attacked by fleas.
- Must feed on blood to reproduce, however adults can live for long periods without feeding.
- Fleas CANNOT go through several generations without a blood meal.
- Many people do not react to flea bites at all while others are sensitive and suffer severe allergic reactions.
- Fleas may also vector plague, typhus, and tularemia.
- Pet owners must
• Treat Pet
• Treat the Premises
- Frequent cleaning and vacuuming.
- Flea infestations become evident when infested pet is removed, the fleas overrun the home.
- Pets must not be allowed to access infested areas outdoors.